Just create your business profile and let us present it in front of the widest possible qualified audience.
MaxTrader specializes in promoting any business both locally and internationally. Therefore we guarantee: |
Customised business profiles
Business profiles in MaxTrader were designed so that you could present precise and detailed information regarding the operation, expectations, plans and successful achievements of your enterprise.
The profile may be adjusted to meet your needs and expectations:
In an attempt to satisfy our users' expectations, MaxTrader offers an additional option to present a short business description. In this way you take advantage of the possibility to establish business co-operation and promote your goods and services.
Selection of domestic and international offers
Offers constitute an integral element of each business profile. Only in MaxTrader will we not charge you for placing and browsing offers.
It is the tool designed especially for you if you are committed to find a contractor, a new market or a business partner promptly. You may place and browse offers in 4 languages. The comprehensive description of your enterprise may be accompanied by a photo. The offer selection guarantees an immediate access to the updated info regarding offers, promotions and other entrepreneurs' expectations.
News bulletin
We value your time. Being this the reason we present you with the latest news updates, exchange rates and stock exchange indices.
Every day all the articles are carefully selected out of several affiliated news services.
Guidebooks and manuals are available in the Brochures section. We are concerned about keeping our users properly informed. We provide all the updated data indispensable to conduct business activity in domestic and international markets. The materials will also guide you through the maze of regulations and will be a source of explained EU abbreviations.
Our co-operation with government institutions in several countries guarantees the reliability of the information sources available in the portal.
MaxTrader is the only service to provide its users with the profile and offer translations made by co-operating professional translation agencies. The competent and knowledgeable translators guarantee an accurate version of your business profile and offer description in each of the four languages.
A foreign language version of your business profile will enable you to attract potential partners in international markets and guarantees that the offer description is properly understood.
Target recipients
The international MaxTrader service includes information dedicated exclusively to and submitted by business entities. Your business offer shall by all means reach appropriate and interested recipients in several countries. Undoubtedly, it is the most worthwhile investment in the promotion and expansion of your enterprise.
Partnership programmes
Our co-operation with government and non-government institutions in Poland and abroad as well as our individual approach to the MaxTrader users raises numerous questions regarding further collaboration activities. Therefore we establish a number of partnership programmes to facilitate further co-operation of MaxTrader service with interested business and institutional entities. The anticipated joined activities shall make the partnership programmes satisfy individual expectations.